In August, Loan Pronto achieved something truly remarkable. While most other mortgage companies were grappling with the slowest market conditions in three decades, Loan Pronto not only held its ground but had its best month since September 2022. This incredible achievement is all thanks to the hard work of everyone at Loan Pronto, from the people running things behind the scenes to our client-facing sales team.
August 2023 in Numbers
To paint a clearer picture, let’s take a closer look at Loan Pronto’s performance in August.
- Volume: In August, Loan Pronto did $44,008,261 in business, which was a 10.5% increase from July. This is a big deal because it shows that we’re attracting customers even when most others aren’t.
- Units: During August, we helped 240 families achieve their goals, which is a 28% increase from July.
- Average Units per Loan Officer: On average, each Loan Officer handled 13.33 units, and 14 of our Loan Officers achieved over $2 million in volume. This demonstrates how productive and efficient our team is compared to competitors who have more employees handling fewer units.
- Self-Generated/Referral Business: In August, about 36% of our total business came from referrals and past clients. This highlights our ability to build strong relationships and earn recommendations from satisfied customers.
- Purchase Business: Even in a slow market, Loan Pronto managed to secure 21% of its business, which is 23 units, from home purchases.
Our performance earned us the 10th spot among the top brokers across the country at United Wholesale Mortgage (UWM), and we’re especially proud to be the #1 broker in North Carolina.
Additionally, we want to give a big congratulations to our top-performing Senior Loan Officers for the month, Zack Neumeister and Vance Hagan. Zack achieved $5.31 million in volume, and Vance reached $4.39 million. We also want to congratulate our top Senior Account Managers, Olivia Morgan and Blaire Reynolds, who handled 38 and 37 units, respectively.
Loan Pronto had a really great month despite the challenges. We didn’t just survive in a tough market; we thrived. As we keep growing and getting better, one thing is very clear: Loan Pronto is a significant player in the mortgage industry. We’re looking forward to September with enthusiasm and are committed to helping more buyers achieve their financial goals as we continue to grow.
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